{this looks like a mug shot!}
Bodie had his four month appointment and shots today.
I could not believe it when the nurse told me he was 12 pounds 0 ounces 23 3/4 inches tall. He is smaller then Truman was at this age. Truman seemed so small to me at four month; Bodies does not seem that small. The nurse {who was a student} was trying to tell me I need to fatten him up...do you see the double chin - he looks {and acts} healthy to me! He is sleeping about 8-10 hours at night {and has since about 6 weeks old}, he reaches for objects, squeals and laughs and smiles spontaneously. Still does not roll over at all.
Bodie has the best crying face. Gregg wanted me to take a picture of his cry face for this post - these are not his normal "good" cry face...I will have to try again another time!
Truman trying to hold Bodie.

In Sunbeams a couple of weeks ago the lesson was "I Can Be Happy" so we have been singing "If you chance to me a frown". The picture above is Truman's frowny face. The kid can not frown even if he tries! It is the funniest face.
Truman singing "If you chance to me a frown...do not let it stay..."
Here is the picture he brought home. Look familiar! I think I colored the same picture when I was in sunbeams.
I especially love the soccer ball, baseball, football, basketball, soccer goal and basketball hoop drawn on the picture!

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