Tuesday, June 30, 2015


There was a lot going on at our house in the month of June and here is a little taste of the tid-bits.
Sunday shenanigans in the neighborhood.
This little go chart is a blast.
A fall and some serious band-aids from a biking accident.
He loves the bath.
Our family chat books are a huge hit in Sacrament meeting.
I have been wearing my hair a little bit longer, I am not sure what I am doing with it or what the end goal is - but for now I have been putting this little french braid across the front on days it needs to be washed :)
The kids saw a recipe for homemade slime and begged to make it.  I bought all the supplies and one Sunday Gregg made it with them.  It was a huge hit.
My friend Tami and I have been meeting at my parents house at night at couple of days a week to run together.  She is running in the Wasatch Ragnar and one of her legs is right past my parents house up to Soldier Hollow.  We have twiner cars and similar bike racks.  Friends!
Happy little kid playing with new toys.
One morning Pete crawled into the shower and then manager to shut the door behind him.  He was not very happy that he was stuck in there.
We spent WAY to much time (and money, ha!) at the desist office this month.
Boo for cavities.
My little helper on the front step one morning while I worked on the front flower beds.
We planted our pumpkin seeds one night for family night.  I think we got them in the ground later then usual ... hopefully they will grow quickly.  This picture was taken 5 days after we planted them - up already!
Truman is the master marshmallow roaster.
Friends, fire and s'mores.
This was an incredible rain storm where the water was just pouring off our roof.
Bodie had his first real crash on his bike and it was a good one all the way down our cul-de-sac.
One Sunday night on our family hangout everyone was posting pictures of themselves lounging around eating popcorn.  We were doing the same thing at our house so I snapped this picture of Gregg and posted it.
The little guy will think of any excuse to come to our bed at night ... anytime of the night!
T-ball game for Bodie.
McKay at the game cheering on his nephews.
Another picture of the Schank's visit - we had a blast.
Swim lessons with Braden.
We LOVE having McKay home from Mexico.
Pete's first carousel ride at the Zermatt.
We have root bear floats just about everyday.  It's the perfect cool summer treat.
Lots and lots of time spent at the pool this month.
We worked a bunch with Truman on his baseball skills.
Gregg throwing, Truman batting and me playing catcher.
We worked on helping him keep his eye on the ball ...
And his eye's OPEN!
There it is!  Eye's on the ball and open!
This picture was taken not long after McKay got home from his mission.  Things resumed to normal and I was quickly booted from my own bed at night!  I found these two like this one night discussing retirement.  Retirement!?!?  McKay hasn't even gone to a day of college yet!  First things first boys!
BYU asked it repost my picture from Y mountain.  I have aways wanted to be published so I am going to go ahead and count this!  It was fun to have so many random friends see my picture on instagram and congratulate me.
I picked up these flowers on a Costco run - they stayed fresh in my house for weeks.  I love it.
My cousin Bailey is working at a girls camp near our house all summer.  She has been staying with us on the weekends.  She is so much younger then me that we didn't really play together as kids - but it has been so fun having her at our house on the weekends.  She and McKay are similar in age.
Gregg has been road biking more.  My mom saw him on the side of the road and took this picture and sent to me.
I have been helping McKay with his new wardrobe now that he is home from his mission.  I managed to spend his entire budget in about 1.5 hours on one shopping trip in one night!  My mom took this picture and sent to everyone in our family.  What can I say, I like a well dressed man and I have expensive taste.  He sure does look good!
After 10 years of marriage I FINALLY found a picture of the Salt Lake temple that I wanted hanging in our house.  It's a water color and when I first saw it I knew it was the one!  The artiest added our name and the date we were married at the bottom.  It has been hanging on my wall with tape for several months while I tried to figure out how I wanted to frame it.  I finally decided to do white on white with a little silver mat, weighted at the bottom, and a gold frame.  When I picked it up from the framers I was in love!  It was a risky move (and I broke all the framing rules) but I love it - it was well worth the 10 years of searching.
McKay is back at his old business of washing windows and my windows needed a good wash!  He also doubles as a great babysitter :)  I left him several times with sleeping kids while he was working on my house!
My happy little explorer.
More time at the dentist and apparently it is exhausting.
A family night razor ride to get Swiss Sno with friends.
Bodie, Jake Truman and Luke.
We met McKay for an 'authentic' {Heber} Mexican lunch.
That is my favorite kind of food right there.
Gregg grilling at my parents for everyone one nightl
The Ragnar race ran right past my parents house - we thought that selling gatorade and frozen watermelon sticks would be such a great idea.  We were SO wrong.  It was a total bust.  Our only customers were Nana and Papa Hopkinson who happened to drive by after a morning of golfing.
I met my friend Tami with ice cold water as she ran past my parents house.  It was 95 degrees the afternoon she was running. 
Quinn, Bodie and I jumped in the razor and followed her as long as we could giving her fresh ice-cold water along the way.  It was a miserably hot day.  Bodie managed to fall asleep on the ride!
A Monday at the pool.
Gregg met us for a couple of hours at the pool and then took the two little ones home for naps in the afternoon.  Truman and I stayed at the pool for a little mother-son time!
Pete loves to ride in the Ergo on my back while we ride bikes with the other boys.
Truman got to spend an afternoon with Grandpa Bob building a new lego of grandpas.
On the left is my rainbow of flowers {which I think is really cool, even though no one else likes my creativity} and on the right are our pumpkins.
Summer hair cuts.
One of my very good friends from my Rick's college days came to Utah with her four girls and stayed with us for a night.
Cousin sleep over at grandma and grandpa Quinn's house.
My mom sent me this picture one morning - Truman is asleep in there somewhere.
Asleep in our bed ... oh Bodie.
Sunday afternoon games.
And finally, just a few days ago I started having some major problems with my eyes.  After finally making an appointment to see our regular eye doctor I was immediately referred to the Eye Institute of Utah {as in that same day}.  Apparently I have about 7 different clusters of ulcers on each eye.  Who knows why ... they think maybe stress.  I am on several prescriptions for bacterial and viral infections plus steroids for my eyes.  No contacts or makeup for a MONTH for me :/

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