This is our friends house at the top of Lime Canyon {the canyon we live in}.
This is what happens when it rains too much!
Saturday night they started getting water in their basement. This was the scene today after church. I think the entire YM organization showed up to dig them out. Gregg was at there house 5+ hours helping out. They basically had a RIVER running way under ground {not surface water} from the canyon run off leaking through their foundation.
Brother Nielsen in the cup of the backhoe trying to get one of the sub-pumps to work.
I like this picture - the men watching.
My girlfriend had just planed new trees and flowers. We carfully took them all out of the ground and put them back in there pots - I told her in a couple of days when things dry out and they make sure the pumps are all working correctly I will come up and help her 'fix' her landscaping. So sad.

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