Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Polar Express.

Today we bundled up for a ride on the Polar Express in Heber.
 All aboard.
 The kids were so excited to ride a real train.
The train went past grandpa and grandma Quinn's new house.
And of course there was a visit from Santa.
Santa picked up the kids, put them on his lap and asked them what they wanted for Christmas.
They looked at him like he was crazy, they had no idea what he was talking about.
You are asking me what I want for Christmas?

Yes, they will someday be indoctrinated with the worldly traditions of Santa, it's inevitable.  But for now, we aren't really focusing on Santa.

Gregg and I decided at the beginning of the month that we were not going to have Santa decoration in our home and we weren't going to threaten our kids all month with, "If you don't ... then Santa won't come" or "Santa is watching you".  It's just a battle we didn't want to start and after all, that is not the reason for all the celebrating at this time of year.  We are trying hard to have a Christ centered Christmas.

Yes, Santa will still visit our home and bring gifts.  I am one of the biggest believes and I love the magic of it all - it doesn't mean we have to focus on Santa all month.

So, when this Santa asked the kids what they wanted for Christmas they just looked at him blank-faced and Gregg and I chuckled!  When he walked away Bodie said, "Who was that, Jingle Bells?"
By the time the ride was over the snow was really coming down, it made the entire experience a little more magical.

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