Bodie looking at an Easter card from Grandpa and Grandma Simons.
We had our cousins the McGowns and our uncle Dallin over for Easter dinner and a little birthday celebration.
Presley {the birthday girl} and Stella.
The kids table.
Bodie and uncle Dallin.
The adult table.

Roses from the Easter bunny and daffodils from my garden {!}
A couple of weeks ago my girlfriends and I got together and made these Easter garlands {inspired by some at Pottery Barn kids}.
It was Presley's 6th birthday. The two pictures above are of her blowing out her six candles on her cupcake. The two picture below are of her dad re-lighting the candles and letting her blow them out again! She thought that was pretty cool!
The kids and the dad's did a little easter egg hunt {thanks Dallin for sponsoring that} I didn't get any pictures because it took place while the mom's were inside cleaning up dinner.
We ended with an Easter lesson from the Nursery manual and the real meaning of Easter.
I thought about your easter grass about a week befor easter but never called to figure out how to do it. I need to take a picture of my banner, what should we do next?