It was spring break this week and for obvious reasons our plans were canceled so we could stay close to home. Literally!
It was nice to be home again as a family. Pete come home from the hospital with oxygen so going anywhere is difficult. Our days were filled with trips to the hospital and doctors. Pete has to get his boogers sucked out of his nose at the hospital twice a day. As nervous as I was for a week without a 'normal' schedule, I think it was another tender mercy. It would have been to overwhelming and difficult to get the kids all ready and out the door in the mornings with Pete on his oxygen. He has to be hooked up to a travel tank when we go anywhere which takes time to do. And above all else, he is just to fragile to take anywhere besides his appointments.
On Monday morning we took Pete to see Dr. Haderlie who is taking over his care now that we are back home. Pete is slowly gaining strength but is still not able to keep his blood oxygen levels up high enough on his own without a little extra help. We are also working with the doctor on getting Pete's face all cleared up after all the irritation from the tape and stickers at the hospital plus we are dealing with cradle cap and two-month old baby acne. Poor guy.

I'm mad mom.
The older two have been great this week and so patient. Because of Pete's huge oxygen tank and cord he can not leave the master bedroom which means we didn't even hang out anywhere else in the house.
One day this week there was a knock at the door and this lovely arrangement was handed to us. It is from our Real Estate colleagues, what a happy and thoughtful surprise. We keep being reminded that people really are good.
Thursday Lauren and Tagg came to see us and say good-bye. They have been in Utah for the past 6+ weeks but have to go back to San Francisco now. We tried really hard to talk them into wanting to move to Utah. We will miss them.
Tagg thinks that his cousin Truman is pretty funny and Truman enjoyed being goofy so that Tagg would smile.
Pete on the other hand looks like a grumpy old man! He hates the oxygen as much as we do, he likes to pull it out of his nose and put it in his mouth.
Lots of resting for Pete all week.
He is leashed by his oxygen cord.
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