December left overs!
And other random pictures.

My kids were so excited to give grandpa his Christmas present that one week when he flew home from work we went straight over to my parents house to give it to him.
Bodie said, "Grandpa, we are NOT giving you a puzzle for Christmas."
Nice one Bodie! Way to "not" tell him what it was! :)
We gave him a double sized marble puzzle that was really difficult, it even required that we pull out the industrial lights!
This was one random night as the boys were eating dinner and making Christmas plans.
They are so cute and such buddies.

Truman worked all during sacrament meeting one Sunday on this football picture.
It's BYU playing Utah. I love all the players on the field lined up.
Grandma Quinn bought the boys these sling shots at Swiss Day's last year and they are still a favorite. I let them shoot marshmallows around the house with them :)
All month the boys have been doing these Lego advent calendars. Each day they open a box and inside is a small Lego they get to put together.
When we first started the advent Bodie could not understand the concept of opening ONE box a day. By the end of the first day he had crawled up on the counter and gotten his box down and opened about 13 of them before coming to confess to me. The temptation was more then he could handle!
Bodie was hoping/ asking all month for a snow globe, he is totally fascinated with them. I wanted to buy him a Christ one and then I decided I wanted him to be able to enjoy it all month so I let him open it early {I mentioned earlier that I am a total softy when it comes to opening gifts early}.
He loved and enjoyed his snow globe all month.
Truman's idea of helping me clear the driveway.
My little snow angel.
I told the kids at the end of the month they could eat the ginger bread house.
I like how Bodie took a bight out of every green malt ball on top.
This is a kids dream come true, right?!
I opened the freezer one day and found this hiding inside.
Nice Gregg!!
More puzzle help.
My dad, Addie, Gregg, my grandpa Arave.
We have a standing 'date night' with Dallin and Becca on Monday nights at our house {specifically our master bedroom} to watch the newest episode of Studio C.
We get the kids in bed and the house picked up just in time for them to come over and watch with us. It is so much fun.
One night this month Becca had me put her hair in sock curls. She had never heard of sock curls ... what?!? How could it be! I had to show her what they were.
{She said she didn't sleep very well with them in that night, but it sure looked cute the next day}
A beautiful Midway sunset over Timp one night.
Tiff gave me this "Happy Christmas Birthday" gift. Her kids were so confused. That's what happens when your birthday is 12 days before Christmas. It was a beautiful purple cast-iron pot for baking and cooking.
I re-sealed our countertops one night after I got the kitchen really clean. Our countertops are technically speaking a quartzite {they are not as 'hard' as a granite but not as 'soft' as a marble}. I need to re-seal them a few times a year because they are porous.
One morning I gave one of my Rick's college roommates and her two darling girls a ride to the airport after they had been in Heber visiting family. She just adopted the cutest baby girl - it was so fun to have a "quick" catch up on life.
I have a little DIY project that I anticipate doing soon. I had to go to a specialty boutique way down south by Payson to get the paint I wanted. These were my color options - I had the hardest time deciding. I ended up going with the white - how boring!
Our Christmas tree this year.
Since Bodie is usually the first person awake in our house it was his job this month to turn on the Christmas tree every morning.
One night after I put the kids to bed I left Gregg at home working and ran to my friend Tami's house. Her husband was out of town on work and we hadn't seen each other in a while so we planned to hangout and chat. While we were talking an alarm went off on her phone reminding her to "move the elf". We decided to hang her 'elf on a shelf' from her great room fan.

We were laughing so hard - I have no idea why, it wasn't even funny. It was just late and we were both sleep deprived.
It was kind of funny to see the elf hanging there swinging by the fan!
The rights of being a mother.
Santa used to leave notes on our gifts so I am glad our Santa does the same.
Gregg got this one from Santa who said "you are loved by me"
He got rails and ski racks for the top of his new car.
I bought a bunch of parenting books I want to read in 2015.
Tiff recommended a few of them to me although she hadn't read some of them :) I decided to give the ones to her she recommended but had not read yet.
Another one of my Christmas favorites was this book to Bodie.
He LOVES warm chocolate milk. He is known for saying to grandma on several occasions, "Can I have come milk? Can it be chocolate milk? Can you warm it up? Can I have a straw? Thank you!"
This gift was the book , "If you give a mouse a cookie..."
After I took Tagg's pictures {see previous post} my kids jumped in front of the camera to get their pictures taken.
They were my helpers standing behind me trying to get Tagg to look and smile during his shoot.
One day after school grandma Lynn picked up my boys and took them to her house for this fun activity. They decorated these huge ginger bread men.
Apparently I forgot to take a picture with Truman and his :(
And finally, we have had a cold snap in the weather hit us.
-18 is to cold for me!
The boys asked to take a warm bath in our master bathroom with their swimming toys and sun glasses. What a brilliant idea on such a cold winter day!