Today we went to a holiday Music Together class. My girlfriend Kristi is a music therapist. She teaches two semesters of music classes a year. Last fall Truman and I took one her classes; I am debating doing it again this winter with both the boys.

Truman loves music - in the car on the way to class he sang a ten minute rendition of "Twinkle, twinkle little star".
He is getting his bells on to sing "Jingle Bells".
He is getting his bells on to sing "Jingle Bells".
Kristi always plays a song toward the end of the class that the kids can pick any instrument to play along with. Truman usually goes for a drum.
Our friends the Fifes were there.
Kristi with her two youngest kids.
After class Kristi hosted a pre-birthday celebration for me {Tara is missing, sick with strep}. Starting in August we each have a birthday, one a month for six months. We have been going to the late night movies or out for chocolate dessert for the past three months but, with the holidays this month we decided we better meet for lunch since nights are busy with parties. Next month is Kristi's birthday so hopefully we can get back to our night out {with the husbands at home putting the kids to bed}!

Great pictures! It was a fun day singing, dancing and eating, happy birthday this wed! Email me some for my blog, I didn't take any that day.