Wednesday, December 21, 2011

good morning.

I think this picture should be titled 
"Good morning motherhood!"


  1. at least baby spit-up is better than real barf!!! i know both all too well! at least you were at home :)

  2. and its only on your shirt. I am still finding the stuff on my rocker from who knows which baby. I thought I scrubbed that thing everywhere, but nooo. How did it get on the back anyway?

  3. Krista you are right - it was more like spit-up then barf, although this is not the only mess. Right after this he spit-up/barfed in the kitchen and in our room {on the carpet, splattered on the wall}. I felt so bad for him - you can see it coming out of his nose in this picture!

    Once I got it all cleaned up and Bodie showered he blew out of a diaper. He was on his third outfit by 9 AM - My kids usually never barf, spit-up or blow out ... and I got it all in one day today!

  4. ahhh motherhood...isn't it wonderful!!
