Tuesday, March 2, 2010


We took Truman swimming last night at the Homestead.  He has always liked the water {bath, showers, etc}.  I think he got a little to tired last night - by the time we took him out of the pool his bottom lip was quivering.  
I swam a couple of laps for the first time, in a long time, to get ready for my Triathlon
{remember one of my new year's goal's ... click here}.

Another new year's goal I am working on, our scrapbooks.  Thanks to some great late night Olympic's watching I finished my scrapbook from my trip to Brazil.


  1. Looks like fun, sorry we missed out. Good job on the scrapbooking, I need to get myself caught up as well.

  2. Call us next time you go! P would have loved it. I actualy got 3 new bathing suits for her this week (all on sale and very cute).
