Friday, August 7, 2015


Today we spent the day in Canyonlands National Park.
It was over cast, a cool 60 degrees - perfect for hiking.
Who would have EVER thought that southern Utah would be that cool in August?!?!
The Robinson's
We were S.L.O.W. hikers today ... there is just so much to explore in the great out doors!
Bodie is always the one in our family to find the cairn.
More exploring ... and less hiking.
You can see half the gang up the hill ... and Truman stopped doing some more exploring in the rocks/water.
I caught up to him.
More rock stairs.
Happy little guy.
This is a huge, almost perfect circle that can be found in the middle of Canyonlands.  There's lots of speculation on how it got there - including that a huge something from space crashed into the earth millions of years ago.
He loves his fingers.
Zander is a pro at catching lizards.  I remember trying to catch lizards just like this as a kid in southern Utah with my cousin Jenny.
Truman taking a turn.
Love these boys!
Zander, Bodie, Jorgan, Collin and Truman.
Brothers and buddies.
After our second hike we found a nice spot to eat our picnic lunch.
Bodie was so tired after hiking all morning and a full belly from lunch that he crawled up into my arms and fell asleep.
One of Canyonland's many overlooks, I remember coming here as a child.
It was a bit chilly when we weren't hiking, who would have ever thought?  We had to bundle up in our swim towels because I didn't pack anything warm.
Pete was asleep in the car for this family photo-op.
We are crazy too.
Hopped up on goofballs.
Pete loved 'tasting' the rain.
Next it was off to hike Mesa arch.
I love these kids of mine.
A little candy to help the mood never hurt anyone!
After a day at Canyonlands we went into Moab for a pasta dinner.
{I am missing some pictures I will need to find and add to this post later}
Bodie and his plain bowl of pasta.
And Pete and his plain bowl of pasta.
After dinner and some sight seeing in Moab we headed back to our campsite for game night.
Pete was so helpful with the games.
There were some epic pillow fights.
The Robinson's introduced our family to the game Farkle, we loved it!

After the kids were sound asleep we sat out on the deck until way to late talking with Kirk and Luci and watching the meter shower.  We picked the perfect weekend to be camping.

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