My cousin Heather was in charge of the big family activity this year. She put together this awesome rendition of the game minute to win it.

Shake your booty!
Sisters against each other in the game 'bounce the ping-pong into the bucket of water'.
After sisters played each other we had the grand idea of having brothers play each other.
We had to plead with my dad and my uncle - they finally gave it!
They were both so serious - neither cracked a smile.
Then it was my turn to take one for the team - and boy did I get the short end of the stick!
My nieces and nephews had to licked lifesavers and put as many as they could on my face in a specific amount of time. Yuck!
You know how dirty you feel from camping? Add to that thought SPIT from tons of little kids on your face and sticky residue from candy.
Jake whooped up on everyone when it came to stacking apples.
The puzzle making contest was one of my favorites, mostly because the Quinn family is known for loving puzzles.
It was a classic match up with my grandpa (with Jean's help), my grandma, my dad and my cousin Timber.
After the 'adult' games were over we had a round of games for the kids - it was a big highlight for sure.
First they had to use a straw to move skittles from one plate to the other -
I didn't think Truman would be able to do it but he killed the competition with his focus and determination. At one point he got mad at me of 'distracting' him with my cheering! :)
This was my favorite competition by far-
It was Truman verse his cousin Enoch in the cup tipping contest.
They each had a nylon on their head with a tennis ball in the end -
they had to knock over the cups with the tennis ball using the motion from their heads (hands behind their backs).
It was so fun to watch-
they were neck-in-neck the entire time.
All the cousins were gathered around cheering the boys on - it came down to the last cup.
And then of course Bodie had to try it!
And then the frustration and temptation to use his hand was too great!
Next the kids got to challenge each other in shake-your-booty.
They thought it was so awesome.
Thank you Heather for the great laughs and for all your hard work -
that was a ton of fun!
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