Tonight for our combined Young Men / Young Woman activity we had a 'Handcuff Dinner'
We tied all the kids hands together and served them a spaghetti dinner with salad, rolls and brownies for dessert. We had about 55 youth there.
Laurels and Priest came early to set up and decorate the tables. My Mia Maids made name cards for everyone. We made sure to really mix up the age groups (Laurel next to a Deacon, etc).
This is one of my favorite pictures - Brandon is buttering Anne's roll for her! Team work!
After dessert we had one of our teachers lead a discussion about how this dinner experience applied to the gospel and our lives {I think at first the kids were thinking, what, this has gospel implications?!}
She started by talking about how the kids were all handcuffed {tied} together and how they had to work together like a team to eat. Then she asked, 'How many of you have ever been on a sports team?' Lots of hands went up. Then she asked 'What other kind of teams are you on?' Some of the answers included a family team, a ward team, a young womans/young men's team and of course the gospel team. We talked about who some of their captain's on these teams are; parents, bishop, church leaders, Jesus Christ, etc.
She talked about how we always need to make sure the Lord is on our team and that we are never alone. She told a few personal experience with this that were great for the kids to hear.
She ended by sharing Doctrine and Covenants 82:10
She ended by sharing Doctrine and Covenants 82:10
"I, the Lord am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise."

Those young women are SO lucky to have you as one of their leaders!